Our Services

Task Concrete is your one stop shop for all your concrete needs.
We offer comprehensive cutting, coring, construction, & grout pumping solutions.
Our arsenal of cutting equipment covers all your flat, wall, wire, & hand sawing needs. In addition we have the ability to core everything from a 1/2” to 48” core and everything in between.
We also have a full-fledged construction division offering servicing on all forms of flatwork, structural, and even underground.
Finally, to round it all up our grout pumping division allows to provide void fill, pipe abandonment, fill-crete pumping, & annular pressure grouting.
You can rest assured when you call Task Concrete that you don’t have to make another call, we have it all.

Cutting & Coring
Our concrete cutting and coring division offers a large variety of services that will meet your needs. Whether it’s a large complicated contract or a simple service call, we’ll get the job done. We have a skilled team of professionals and a fleet of specialized concrete cutting and coring equipment ready for your project.

Our concrete construction division specializes in civil, commercial, industrial, and municipal concrete projects. With an experienced management team, project staff and field personnel our customers can expect that the job will be done right the first time Task is on site.

Grout Pumping
Our grout pumping services offer efficient and reliable solutions for your project needs. Our team uses state of the art equipment to ensure accurate and consistent grout placement. From shaft liners, culvert abandonments, and void filling, we have the capability to support you throughout the project.
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